Privacy Policy

  • This is the privacy notice of Ashfield Mill Soaps, whose address is The Gatehouse, Ashfield Mill, Ashfield, FK15 0JX referred to as we, us or our in this privacy notice.

    This privacy notice sets out how we collect and process your personal data. This privacy notice also provides certain information that is legally required and lists your rights in relation to your personal data.

    This privacy notice relates to personal information that identifies you as a natural person (actual or potential customer, an individual browsing our website or an individual with whom we interact). We refer to this information throughout this privacy notice as personal data or personal information and further detail of what this includes are set out in this privacy notice below.

    The privacy and security of your personal information is very important to us so we want to assure you that your information will be properly managed and always protected by us. Please read this privacy notice carefully as it explains how we may collect and use your personal data.

  • For the purposes of relevant data protection legislation, we are a controller of your personal data. As a controller, we use (or process) the personal data we hold about you in accordance with this privacy notice.

    If you need to contact us in connection with the use or processing of your personal data, then you can do so using our contact details as set out below.

    Our Data Protection Representative is Lindsay Robertson who you can contact by emailing

  • The personal data that we collect about you may include the information you provide us via our website, namely your name, address, email address and phone number. This is necessary for you to enter a contract with us and for us to ship your goods to you.

    We have used Squarespace to build our website and therefore we use the services provided Squarespace. By using our website, you confirm you have read and understood this Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions policy, Returns policy and Cookies policy.

    This website collects personal data to power our site analytics. This information includes your IP address and how you use our site. We share this information with Squarespace, our website analytics provider, to learn about our site traffic and activity. Squarespace uses the data to run this website, and to protect and improve its platform and services. Squarespace analyses the data in a de-personalised form.

    We do not collect any categorical data about you, such as gender.

    We do not obtain any of your financial data. We use Stripe as a payment processing platform to ensure that your financial data is protected. You can learn more about Stripe security here:

  • To perform our contractual obligations to you, we will use your name and address to contact you and send your soap order to you.

    We will email you with messages about your order. For example, we will email you to tell you that you’ve made a purchase or that your order has shipped. It is not possible to unsubscribe from these messages.

    We will also process your information when making a refund.

    We share your contact information with Squarespace, our website hosting provider, so they can send these emails to you on our behalf.

    As you go through checkout, this site may auto complete your shipping and billing address by sharing what you type with the Google Places API and returning suggestions to you to improve your checkout experience.

    We will share your name and address with Royal Mail for the purpose of delivering your goods.

  • We may from time to time process your personal data to let you know about new products, or products that have been restocked.

    Our lawful basis for processing your personal data in this way is as is necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of our business unless we have otherwise obtained your consent to do so.

    We may contact you by telephone or e-mail. You will be given the option to stop receiving any communications from us in this regard at any time.

  • We will not pass your name, address, email address or phone number to any other third parties other than Squarespace, our site provider, and Royal Mail, our delivery partner.

  • You have a number of rights concerning the personal information we use, which you may ask us to observe.

    You can ask us to:

    • Provide a copy of your personal information

    • Correct or delete unnecessary or inaccurate personal information

    • Restrict or to object to use of your personal information at any time

    If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice or your data protection rights, please contact us using our details set out at the beginning of this privacy notice.

    You also have the right to make an enquiry or to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you are unhappy with our use of your data, or if you think we have breached a legal requirement. Further details about the ICO are available at: